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6 Health Problems Protein Deficiency, Affects Skin and Fatigue

TEMPO.CO, JakartaProtein divided into two types, animal and vegetable. Daily protein fulfillment is very important for the body. Because, lack of protein triggers a variety of health problems.

quote Medical News Today, tips to get lots of protein intake. Replace regular snacks with ones that contain protein nabati, such as nuts, chickpeas, and peanut butter. Add beans or peas to soups, side dishes, or salads. Replace carbohydrate sources with protein, such as replacing a piece of bread with an egg in the morning.

Health problems lack of protein

1. Edema

Edema is a condition of protein deficiency. quote HealthlineEdema is characterized by swelling of the abdomen. It is caused by low albumin protein in blood plasma.

Because, one of the functions of albumin is to maintain oncotic pressure, the force that attracts fluid in the blood circulation. That is to prevent excess fluid from accumulating in other body tissues.

2. Fatty liver

Fatty liver is a common condition of obesity or people who consume a lot of alcohol. However, the condition was also found to be caused by a protein deficiency. Research has linked impaired synthesis of fat-transporting proteins, or lipoproteins.

3. Skin and hair problems

Severe protein deficiency affects the skin, causing redness, flaking and depigmentation, brittle nails, and hair loss.

4. Old wounds heal

Protein deficiency slows the healing of cuts, sprains, and injuries. quote WebMD it’s a result of the body producing less collagen than protein, which contributes to tissue and cell healing.

5. Fatigue

Research shows that one week of not eating enough protein affects muscle performance for posture and body movement. The condition is especially for people aged 55 years and over.

Over time, too often a lack of protein makes the body lose muscle mass. That, among other things, will result in less strength and slow down the body’s metabolism.

6. Brain performance

The brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to pass information between cells. Many of these neurotransmitters are made of amino acids in protein. That is why a lack of protein can affect the work of the brain.


Read: Animal and Vegetable Proteins, What’s the Difference?

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