TRIBUNJATENG.COM – Asparagus consumed regularly can control blood sugar in patients diabetes.
Diabetes, a condition where the body is unable to absorb glucose. Thus, glucose accumulates in the body.
There are many factors that affect the disease diabetesone of which is a bad lifestyle.
Common symptoms that appear when a person is suffering diabetes are easily hungry, often feel thirsty, tired easily, and urinate frequently.
Traditional health experts advise sufferers diabetes You have to be selective in what you eat.
The reason is, some types of food and drinks can increase levels of blood sugar.
Sufferer diabetes It is also recommended to regularly consume fruits and vegetables to meet the body’s fiber and nutritional needs.
Launching the site, asparagus is good and safe for patients to consume diabetes.
The results of a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition show that consumption of asparagus can control diabetes type 2.
Researchers from Karachi University in Pakistan found that regular consumption of asparagus can keep blood sugar levels in check blood sugar keep it under control and increase insulin production in the body.