Is it me or are you thinking wrong? FIFA has no money on the shelf (at least, of course they do have money, but that’s not what this is about). EA has that money, which has to pay it to FIFA.
[.edit: voor de duidelijkheid, het is EA die FIFA betaalt om de naam FIFA te mogen gebruiken voor hun game, niet FIFA die EA betaalt om een game met hun naam erop te laten maken]
So the amounts you mention have absolutely no relation to each other: the amount that EA pays to FIFA, and the amount that FIFA has to pay to another studio to make a football game. In the first case they receive money, in the second they lose money.
You can of course assume that the studio can then casually cough up that 600 million, every 4 years, but that is wishful thinking. All substantive criticism you can have of EA’s FIFA games aside, you have to come up with a lot to match the popularity of that game.
So yes, you can have a football game made for an amount of money, but it is not so easy to immediately let that be the cash cow that FIFA from EA is now.
[Reactie gewijzigd door .oisyn op 27 maart 2022 14:20]