27 and 28 March in the morning
In the early morning sky on March 27 and 28, 2022, you can see crescent moon retreat The moon passes through three planets. The planets are close together in a series bath. Venus is the brightest planet, nearby are two fainter planets, Saturn below and Mars in the west.
On the morning of Sunday, March 27, the moon approached Mars at the dome of the sky. That morning moon will be about 25% lit towards there new month On April 1st.
But the view on March 28 was absolutely stunning. Then the moon, bright Venus, dim Mars, and Saturn gathered in an eight-degree circle in the sky’s dome. because it’s a file waning moon, the phase will be thinner than the previous morning, only about 16% on. The rectangle makes for a beautiful photo shoot. And you get a good picture, Send to us!
Note to telescope users: faint comet, 22p/head, near the planets on March 27 and 28. But in size 11And at dawn, you need a telescope to catch it, as well as a dark sky, and a dimmer experience of seeing objects.
Conjunction time: planet and moon
planet in together With the waning moon on a March morning. In addition, there is a conjunction between Venus and Saturn on March 29. And in all these pairs, at the times below, the two objects are the same true climb (Like the celestial meridians on an imaginary grid of heavens surrounding the earth.) Details here:
Mars 4 Mark north of the moon at 3 world time on March 28
Venus is 7 Mark north of the moon at 10 UTC On March 28.
Saturn 4 Mark north of the moon at 12 UTC On March 28.
the flower is 2 Mark north of Saturn in 13 UTC On March 29.
The view from the Southern Hemisphere
The scenery is better than in the southern hemisphere, where the ecliptic strip cuts a steeper angle across the horizon. Not only will you see Venus, Mars, and Saturn next to the Moon, but you can also see Jupiter before sunrise.
Bottom line: See the morning planets – Venus, Mars, and Saturn – side by side, and the Moon joins the view on March 27 and 28, 2022. In the Southern Hemisphere, you might as well see Jupiter.
Read: EarthSky Night Sky Guide for March and April 2022