Breast cancer is very common among women but it could be avoided if certain things were done
Breast cancer unfortunately it is a disease that affects many women all over the world. According to some researchers cancer occurs due to some environmental factors and unhealthy lifestylesi.
And precisely on the latter, scientists show that if we do a correct diet and we are on the move some problems could be avoided. But let’s see the details on this very important topic.
Before going on, however, we want to clarify that what is written in this article is only of a general nature, so it is always important to rely on a doctor.
How to change our daily life to prevent breast cancer
The first thing to do to safeguard our health is to avoid fire retardants. Another fundamental thing to absolutely avoid are cosmetics that contain parabens, these increase the risk of breast cancer. No less important are the sugars. All forms of sugars are harmful to our body.
Another fundamental thing is to avoid a shortage of vitamin D, essential for our immune system. In fact, there are at least 800 references in the literature that demonstrate how the effectiveness of this vitamin is important against cancer.
Other important factors for prevention
In addition to the factors listed above, no less important is the right amount of iodine in our body. The breasts absorb huge amounts of iodine and use it for proper functionality. The same can be said of proper bowel function.
Also, never forget not to eat genetically modified foods: these are treated with carcinogenic substances. Therefore it is recommended to always eat fresh and above all seasonal products.
Lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle while maintaining the right body weight. Finally, don’t forget the right rest. Sleeping 7-8 hours a night helps to produce the right amount of melatonin, which is important to stay healthy.
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