A life is not just a medal, but a medal sums up a life. The Legion of Honour officially handed over to the director of the regional and university hospital center of Nancy, Bernard Dupont, highlights his “original professional career, sometimes atypical and very deserving”. These words are from Édouard Couty, former director of hospitalization and care, who gave him the medal.
The two men are of the same generation and have rubbed shoulders in the many corridors of the Ministry of Health. They carry the same vision of the public hospital. The one who decorates formulated it as follows: “Running a hospital means taking into account human relations in a whole where man holds an essential place. »
Healing from the bottom of the soul
Édouard Couty, a very young retiree, also observed that the public hospital, often presented as a mastodon, had shown during the health crisis, “better than any other”, its adaptability, its “flexibility”.
Bernard Dupont, who should leave in the course of the summer at the latest, reached by the age limit, noted for his part, with his smiling good nature, “Having always been a caregiver”. Coming from a former hospital service agent, who became a nurse and then a director, the formula takes on its full meaning. “A hospital director takes care of the hospital, added the medalist. This sometimes leads to making decisions that are not very pleasant, so that we can treat the sick”.
The construction site of the refoundation
It must be said that Bernard Dupont arrived in 2013 in Nancy at a time when the hospital, burdened with debt, was launching its “refoundation”. Some meetings were then akin to a “civil war”, recalled Édouard Couty, a word that made Bernard Dupont smile, preferring to recall the involvement of the two presidents of the establishment’s medical commission, Michel Claudon, then Christian Rabaud. “It is easier to distribute credits than to ask for efforts”, remarked the general manager.
In front of an audience of elected officials and health officials of all levels, Bernard Dupont could thank the teams and members of the CHRU, both for the efforts made and for their adaptation during the Covid crisis. This Legion of Honor rewards that too, recalls the one who began his career at the age of 17 and will soon leave the hospital world, after half a century of exercise in a hospital “at the service of the population”. .