The number of new positive cases for Covid-19 over the past 24 hours was down from the previous day with 60,422 contaminations (72,443 on Saturday), according to data published by Public Health France.
But the average of the last seven days, more representative of the trend, is more than 65,250 daily contaminations, against 50,646 last Sunday.
The total number of hospitalized patients reached 20,917 against 20,860 on Saturday and 22,253 people last Sunday. The number of new admissions (285) is down from the previous day (577) but up from that of Sunday the previous week (256).
The critical care services, which receive the most serious cases, had 1,855 Covid patients on Sunday (including 27 admissions), almost as many as the day before (1,857). They were 2,079 the previous Sunday.
Over 24 hours, 29 people died in hospital with a Covid-19 diagnosis according to figures released on Sunday evening, compared to 52 on Saturday.
Vaccination is stagnating, with 6,536 injections in the past 24 hours, according to figures from the Directorate General of Health.
In total, 54.25 million people have received at least one injection (80.5% of the total population), 53.32 have a complete vaccination schedule (79.1%) and 39.3 million have received a dose of reminder.