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Amadou Napo struggles to be restored to his rights

In a land case between Amadou Napo and the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA), the verdict handed down by the Kati High Court is struggling to be executed. To this end, the order authorizing the named Amadou Tapo to practice the provisional mortgage seizure on the land titles belonging to the financial institution cannot be executed.

Amadou Tapo, a customer of this financial institution cannot be put in his rights, despite that the competent court has ruled on the case. In information that has reached us, it remains clear that the named Tapo is one of the customers of this bank. In this case, it appears that Amadou Napo had made one of his plots located in Kalaban available to the BNDA. Said parcel had been made available to the bank in order to have the liquidity of a loan which was intended to finance a project. After having received to pay off the debt he had taken at the level of the bank, Amadou Napo would have claimed his plot in vain. According to a source who came to our editorial office to explain the problem to us, the land story has been in progress for almost 20 years today, since it dates back from 2002 to 2003. As the institution has still not did not want to return his plot to him, reports our interlocutory, the client Napo therefore seized the Kati High Court. “Mr. Napo mopped up this date, but the bank refused to return his plot to him. He seized the court of Kati which sentenced the bank to return the land title under penalty of 500,000 F late. The Bank having always refused to return the land title, the penalty ran up to hundreds of millions of our francs,” she explained. Then to continue: “Mr. Napo then asked the court to liquidate the penalty. The court liquidated the said penalty payment. For the payment of these hundreds of millions, she said, Mr. Napo proceeded to the registration of a precautionary seizure of the bank’s partner rights. “It was following this process that Mr. Napo had , according to the same source, a court decision that allows him to register a temporary mortgage on the land titles of the bank. “This means that if the bank does not pay, Mr. Napo can seize one (1) or certain buildings of the bank that he can sell to get paid”, explains our interlocutor. Also, he believes that it is the poor management of the file that led to this situation. In a copy of Ordinance No. 032 that he presented to us, we see that the High Court of Commune IV of Bamako also spoke on the issue. The said ordinance announces that “authorization is given to Mr. Amadou Tapo to take a provisional registration of judicial conservatory mortgage on each of the land titles N ° 17901 / DB and N ° 17902 / DB, belonging to the national agricultural development bank ” Also, it is mentioned in this ordinance, “we say that these provisional registrations of mortgage are authorized for security of the sum of 820 million CFA francs”.

Mamadou Diarra

Source: Le Pays-Mali

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