Reporting from the Ministry of Health, obesity is a disorder or disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body.
Obesity can occur due to an imbalance between energy intake and output. So that excess energy will be stored in the form of fat tissue.
dr. Winra Pratita, Representative of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) said that obesity in children is characterized by clinical symptoms in the form of a round face, chubby cheeks, double chin, a short neck, and acanthosis nigricans (black spots on the back of the neck).
Furthermore, his chest looks bloated with enlarged breasts and wheezing. In the abdomen, looks bulged with abdominal wall folds.
“In the extremities, the legs are often X-shaped due to excessive weight gain in a short time. Then the pelvic movement is limited, and in the male reproductive system the penis looks small,” said dr. Winra.
However, for a more precise examination, an anthropometric examination consisting of body weight, length or height is needed, body mass index.
Not only clinical symptoms, but obesity in children can cause complications from head to toe.