Home » Business » Gold is the most expensive in korunch in history. The intervention of the NB for a strong koruna did not undermine its appreciable appreciation

Gold is the most expensive in korunch in history. The intervention of the NB for a strong koruna did not undermine its appreciable appreciation

The price of gold today in eskch korunch today rose at the highest award in modern history esk republiky. feb metal was also sold for 46,210 crown per troy ounce, departure from Which
Bloomberg. One of them is the first that its price has exceeded the current historical prices recordreached during trading on August 7 2020. Then gold price climbed to 46,558 crown per troy ounce (see graph no). The trend of appreciation gold v crown so she didn’t turn around today either intervention of the national bank for a strong crown.

Gold evaluates due to intense nervousness in the market, which has not eased since Thursday last week, when Mask launched its invasion of
Ukraine. For that day gold in korunch appreciated by about seven percent. Since the arrest of this year, then gold in korunch pidv 15.3 percent.

Last precious metals you stick to this, you idiot.
Paladium by a bezmla 66 percent, platinum by 23.8 percent a stbro about eighteen percent.

price paladia in korunch today it also found itself at its crown peak for the period since 1993. Troysk ounce was sold and at a price without fifteen crown odpovdajc rovnm 70 tiscm crown. Platinum a stbro
then this year svj historick korunov record nepokoily.

Drahm kovm in the middle high uncertainties of tradition. They are historically important as a safeguard against inflation and as a preserver of value in time lift and famine.

Gold but svd so frozen reserve rusk centrln bankZpad has resorted to unprecedented sanctions Russia.
Gold pedstavuje you st ruskch foreign exchange reserves, na ni zmrazen pevn nedoshlo. Many investments gold yes, it is like that rusk a nkter dal
central bank for example nsk in the future nav two purchases gold do
reserve. This is to dream of being exposed dollar and general assets of western countries such as euroincluding dollars and euros bonds.

Gold so, from the point of view of a number of central banks, I may represent an asset that not only preserves value, but which reserve.

Luke Kovanda, Ph.D.

Nrodn ekonomick rada vldy (NERV)

Chief Economist, Trinity Bank


Trinity Bank has been operating on the financial market for 25 years and the transformation of the Moravian Pennate State of Savings Bank was established. With 25,000 clients and its balance sheet total exceeds 18 billion K.

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More information at: www.trinitybank.cz

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