The discovery was made on Friday 4 March and was made by a reindeer herder, who further notified the police.
Together with someone from reindeer husbandry, the police moved out to the site, where the remains of a human were found.
It writes the police in a press release.
– We will now take care of the dead and send the remains for analysis in order to establish a secure ID and in that way get confirmation that it is the missing Nils-Kristian Guttorm who has now been found, says police station chief Siri Ulverud in Porsanger service unit.
Furthermore, the press release states that the clothes must fit the description of the clothes Guttorm must have worn a few days before he was reported missing.
– The police therefore assume that it is the missing 78-year-old, but can not determine this with certainty until forensic investigations have been made that can confirm secure ID, Ulverud says.
The relatives have been informed that it may be the missing person who has been found.
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