hope: rats arerodents with which the greatestwhat we have had to learnto live.stone so many, that in the greatapplethere are 2,000,000 of theserodentsincredible amount ofpopulation of a city.jonathan: for many it isdisgusting to deal with rats.Filippo Ferretti tells us about afree coursehe would teachkeep rats outyour home to take care of yourhealth and that of your family.scan the qr code with thesteps to follow.filippo: when night falls andthe different placesfilled with garbage bags, it isso when rats and micethey go looking for food, somethingrepresents a problemthey have to live daily in theresidents of the city ofnew York.>> a rat paó me by thepies.>> the mice pass by, that’s itjumping like snakes>> it’s amazing, there are ratsWhat do you feel.jonathan: that’s why manyresidents take to the streetsto buy homemade productsto defend against rats.>> you put a product on it, and thecockroaches, it all depends on thecleaning your house.cement so that the little micelittle ones do not enter the house.there they were avoided.>> a kitten, that helps methat there are no mice in my house.filippo: new york will take toout a series of groupsfree to educateresidents to the owners ofbusinesses and entrepreneurs onHow to prevent rats andmice infect their homes.who walk thedifficult to meet ratsand mice. on our tourthrough the streets oma we sawenough. the garbage bagshow are you represent a seriousproblem to combat theserodentsthis terminator explains thathome remedies couldattract rodents.>> many times the poisons thatdoes not have a license attract moremade of meat and cheese.it is good to hire a companyof fumigation that you haveproducts purchased withlicense.that doesn’t catch your attentionanimal that is two or threeblocks. that they were not decidedbroken laura.>> the mice enter through theholes, finger enterstiny.try to cover them upholes under the dooralso, they sell some thingssuitable so that they do not enter.filippo to participate in thisgroup or free course, has