“The end of the worldFor eleven radio seasons, Radio 1 filled Sunday evenings with stories, fairy tales and music from around the world. The form was also special: text and music flowed into each other, and bird songs could often be heard.
The program was “a radio journey in time and space, from Altamira to the present, from Ushuaia to Erps-Kwerps.” Dree Peremans read stories and told about historical sea voyages to Patagonia and other distant lands. Alida Neslo, Sharda Ganga, Patrick De Rynck, Walter Ertvelt, Jo Van Driessche, Estelle Slegers, Jo Govaerts, Dirk Van Esbroeck, Stefan Brijs, Ralph Rabie, Ronald Verheyen and many others participated. Some of them made a lockdown version of the program at home from their room in 2020.