On Friday, the Brussels stock exchange completely wiped out the loss of the day before, when investors reacted with shock to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Bel20 index rose 4.18 percent to 4,061.17 points. Immediately the strongest increase in more than a year.
Nineteen of the twenty stocks that count for the calculation of the indicator improved. Although the Bel20 climbs again over the limit of 4,000 points, it still remains well below the highest level of this year. In early January, the star index peaked at more than 4,350 points. In November, a peak of 4,400 points was even reached.
The largest daily profit within the Bel20 was for AB InBev on Friday. The brewer had Thursday solid annual figures published, and was rewarded for doing so by investors. The brewer was worth 7.12 percent more at a closing price of 58.25 euros.
Outside the Bel20, Befimmo jumped 52.40 percent to 47.70 euros. Canadian asset manager Brookfield is making an offer for all shares of the real estate developer. He has 47.50 euros each for auction. Recticel, Bpost and Ascencio climbed more than 10 percent after publishing better-than-expected quarterly figures.