From 14 February, all 9-year-olds will receive an invitation for the DTP and HPV vaccination in Amsterdam. This year for the first time boys are also invited for the HPV shot. Why actually?
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HPV is a highly contagious and common virus. eight out of ten people will be infected with it at some point. Usually you don’t notice this and the body clears the virus itself. But sometimes it stays longer in the cells and can lead to cancer.
Girls and boys
Cervical cancer is the most well-known form in girls. Boys can also develop cancer in the long term, including cancer of the mouth and pharynx, penis or anus. The HPV vaccine protects against the six most dangerous and common types of HPV cancer.
Girls have been vaccinated against HPV since 2010. Starting this year, boys will also have the opportunity to protect themselves against cancer caused by HPV. They can also no longer pass the virus on to others if they have been vaccinated.
Why in Amsterdam from 9 and not 10?
GGD Amsterdam invites girls and boys from 9 years old for the first HPV shot. This is a year earlier than in the rest of the Netherlands. This is because children get the shot at the same time as the MMR or DTP vaccination so that they don’t have to come back again when they are 10. Efficient!