Taken over at the end of 2016, the band La Mistoufle is about to go back through a dormant phase as it has known a lot in its long history.
The current situation does not allow us to decently assume the ideal of social transformation carried by our group, as well as by the Anarchist Federation.
We were fully aware of the ultra-violent repression of social movements when we ourselves suffered it in 2016 against the labor law, in 2017 during the movement of cheminot.es , in 2019 during student mobilizations, and especially during the Yellow Vests. Our chairs, our criminal records, our wallets remember it.
From the very beginning we were conscient.es of the chronic inability of militant circles to arm themselves for the upcoming battles that is why we had organisé.es to buy a new place legally, and therefore lead our own political agenda.
The exploding real estate price in Dijon as well as the scandalous methods of the Town Hall of Talant force us to put an end at least temporarily to our project.
Indeed, the paratrooper of the Republic on the March and his team, no content.es for stealing the Talant municipal election from their constituents.rices preferred to pre-empt our local to the tune of more than € 46,000 rather than having to support a local and solidarity initiative on “ its »common. In the state, no real estate fits into our budget and our strategy is slowed down while the political and social situation is deteriorating at high speed.
« We thank everyone.your donor.for their solidarity and will contact them again very soon. »
Throughout our mandate under the Mistoufle we have never stopped innovating, moving out of our comfort zone (tractings and collages throughout Dijon, Home of Young workers.popular in the suburbs of Dijon etc) and especially to work. Our section on the site of militant news Dijoncter.info is enough to prove our hard commitment to move the lines. Our regrets for not having been able to push our activism further in this way will be extinguished with our new project that will relaunch us and anchor us more in the field struggle.
We thank the Anarchist Federation and especially certain.es of these mandaté.es (who will recognize themselves) as well as all the people and collectives that have helped us. « A special mention also to the team of Dijoncter.info for his work of great militant utility ! »
During our mandate we frequented the Tanneries II and organized many events there. We have always worked for the politicization of the public who frequent the Tanneries. Despite the obvious differences we had with some of the collectives that organize there, we thank the Skanky Yard collective for its help. We wish Maloka a happy continuation.
Our rage against this shitty world organized by capitalist pigs has not faded over the years, and “ that is why our team voted unanimously for the upcoming transition to activism in a large wrestling federation recognized throughout the territory. We will keep you informed very soon. »
May the struggle continue against their world ! Down with the state the cops and the
fachos ! Long live the Social Revolution !