This year, Marktheidenfeld’s first mayor, Thomas Stamm, once again honored athletes and particularly successful musicians from Marktheidenfeld and Marktheidenfeld clubs. Apprentices who completed their training in companies in Marktheidenfeld with outstanding results were also recognized again this year. This is according to a press release from the city. As in the previous year, due to the corona virus, the award was not given in the Marktheidenfeld town hall, but in the form of a letter with a letter of congratulations from the city.
The honorees:
Athletes of the Turnverein 1884 Marktheidenfeld: Athletics department: Nick Albrecht, Lisa Blum, Fabian Ehehalt, Felix Goldstein, Hanna Goldstein, Philipp Heidenfelder, Hannes Heidenfelder, Maria Heuft, Andreas Heuft, Carmen Hock, Elena Hofmann, Maja Koch, Marie Kohrmann, Sina Konrad, Lars Partes, Bernhard Ries, Jana Rothaug, Marlene Rothaug, Lena Schröder, Anna Schwarzkopf, Sina Stein and Sophia Wolf; Trainers: Rainer Heilgenthal, Andreas Heuft, Matthias Heuft, Florian Richter and Anna Schwarzkopf. Badminton department: Steffen Grün and Moritz Unz.
Athletes from the Schützen-Club Birkenfeld: Felix Hörning, Gottfried Hörning and Luca Hörning; trainer: Gottfried Hörning.
Musikinstitut Marktheidenfeld: Alexandre Gault, Vincent Gault and Fabienne Jesberger; Music teacher: Dr. Alma Flammersberger.
Apprentices from Marktheidenfeld with outstanding results:
Leonie Freudenberger in training as a hairdresser, 1st Lower Franconian Chamber Winner (Würzburg Chamber of Crafts); Instructor: Evelyne Gravera from Haar & Herzen, Marktheidenfeld.
Agha Habibi in the apprenticeship as a vehicle painter, 1st Bavarian state winner (Würzburg Chamber of Commerce); Instructor: Peter Maierhofer from Autoteam Maierhofer, Triefenstein.
Jonas Freund in training as a media technologist/printer, best in the exam (IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt); Instructor: Wolfgang Fischer from Flyeralarm Industriel Print GmbH, Marktheidenfeld
Michael Schöffer in training as a flat glass technologist, best in the exam (IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt); Instructor: Florian Lindlbauer from Okalux Glastechnik GmbH, Marktheidenfeld