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With these 6 tricks you stay highly motivated during sports

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In order to stick with it and get started with a new training plan, you should ensure enough variety – instead of constantly pedaling, for example, swim a few laps in the pool every now and then.

A workout buddy or a sports club can spur you on to get motivated to exercise.

Remember to start slow and still be consistent. Establishing a routine is the key to success.

Sport and exercise makes us happy – in the truest sense of the word. Because workouts improve our mood, give us energy for the day, and ensure a calmer night. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases such as type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. But despite the well-known benefits for body and mind, overcoming physical activity is a major hurdle for many people. Tiredness, work stress or monotonous training are often responsible for the lack of motivation. But it doesn’t have to stay that way: We have the most important tips and tricks ready for you to get you going again in no time.

1. Set a goal

Goals, especially SMART goals, help you stay on track, says personal trainer Adia Callahan. In German, SMART stands for specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and timely. SMART goals give you a clear guideline in a specific period of time. Postponing is not allowed. In this way, the method helps to achieve goals effectively, says Callahan.

Examples of SMART goals are:

  • Get your first 5K run in the next three months
  • Exercise for 20 minutes every day
  • Be able to do 20 push-ups by the end of the next month

For more moments of success in between, you can set smaller intermediate goals that you can achieve on the way to the larger goal. For example, if you’re aiming for a 5K run, a smaller target might be to run for five minutes without stopping, recommends US health expert Jen Kates. Try not to reduce the goals to superficial too much. With a resolution to get healthier and fitter, you’ll find more success—and so loud studies also train more motivated than if you only work towards the six-pack.

2. Plan the training sessions

If you need structure to stay on track, a weekly training plan can be very helpful. But do not participate in just any training program, but adapt it to your individual needs. Start with the activity that gives you the most motivation. And makes sure that everything stays within the realms of possibility. For example, if you know that you can only devote 15 minutes a day to exercising, that’s okay. You could then try to make the short sessions longer, step by step, says Callahan. “You should also find an ideal time of day to exercise,” says health expert Kates. Make sure that you choose the period of time when you are known to have the most energy.

3. Try yourself

According to Callahan, if you’re not enjoying your workout, you’ll most likely lose your drive soon. That’s why it’s important to try it out until you find the right one for you. Here are some examples of sports you can add to your training schedule:

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Barre
  • weightlifting
  • jog
  • Basketball
  • Spinning

Variety is important not only for fun, but also to keep the recommended balance between long aerobic activities on the one hand and muscle-strengthening workouts on the other. For example, if you just run, you should balance it out with strength training sessions. However, if you only lift weights, you should also train your endurance. Callahan says a variety of workouts can also reduce the risk of injury by preventing repetitive stress on the same parts of the body.

4. Find a workout buddy

“Having a workout buddy is really helpful,” says Kates. “It doesn’t matter if you get together in person or online, it’s more important that you encourage each other.” If you have a lot of non-athletes in your friend group, consider joining a sports club or gym instead. Some options for group training are:

  • running or hiking groups
  • Club sports such as soccer or tennis
  • Gym classes
  • online courses

5. Hear music

Music can really work wonders in sports. “Music can be a great motivator, especially if it’s a song that really gets you going,” says Kates. Thus, a research team through a study already found in 2006 that music induces a “distraction effect” during low-intensity physical activity. So if you listen to your favorite song while running, you won’t get exhausted as quickly as those who don’t.

6. Take it slow and gentle

A common mistake when beginning an exercise program is to take on too much and take it on quickly. Too much ambition often backfires and often even leads to injuries – and ultimately to a loss of motivation, says Callahan. “Unless you’re used to regular exercise, you should settle for 15 to 20 minutes a day, or 15 to 20 minutes every other day,” says Callahan. “That way you give your body the time it needs to adjust and regenerate. But what is even more important is that you also prepare yourself mentally better for the stress.”

If you absolutely don’t feel like working out, according to Kates, small things can change your attitude. Put your gym gear on and spend five minutes just warming up – there’s a good chance the short warm-up will turn into a full workout.


Motivating yourself isn’t always easy, but there are a few tricks you can use to get back in shape: set SMART goals, mix things up, find a workout buddy, or join a club. It’s also important not to try too much too quickly and lose patience with yourself. Instead, take the time you need to get used to the new routine.

This text was translated from English by Lara Hansen. You can find the original here.

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