How could the first recording of Men and women of the new year, if not with the gang (cit.) lined up almost completely? Before Gemma Galgani, then Ida Banana, then Armando Incarnato. I know “who gets off to a good start is half the battle“, We are already practically troubled.
An episode, the one today, more superfluous than usual, in hindsight. But that clearly showed us how low one can fall in the name of the red light.
Leonardo Sketches of Archangel, after being kicked out by Tina Cipollari in the last recording, he came back through the window.
And after having said about the plague and horns up Gemmona (because – whether the phone call was born out of revenge for the unsuccessful scam or not – that the words spoken by that Mrs “work of art that resembles the Bellucci” at the Galgani are ABSOLUTELY corresponding to the truth nobody doubts it, right? No, because that Leonardo disgusted Gemma as the plague had already revealed it when he was slalom among his own wet basins in their exteriors, behold. The confessions of the lady served only as proof of 9, but nothing more …) there he is again begging for attention. And in a way that cringe would be an understatement, what’s more.
He who the time before underlined how “you are a beautiful woman, but I have no attraction“Today it was all a coaxing, a”I ask you to put a stone on it and start over!“, a “friendship most of the time becomes something more important, which also ends up being love with a capital a“. Since he avoided the slightest contact with her at the “you could start dating again, going out, DOING SOMETHING MORE“. The desperation oil painting on canvas pixels on the screen, just.
Then there was a wonderful Freudian aftertaste in his begging for attention. “I ask you to give me some more space“, “I tried everything to come“, “The moment you lose something then you see if it was important“. Not at all Gemmona, this is obvious abstinence from a red light, indeed! But when he realized that no, they weren’t keeping him in the studio to meet fine women ready for him but they were badly torpedoing him, he realized that he had no alternative but to retrace his steps sadly.
And so from close-ups that oozed disgust we moved on to embarrassed smiles, to “If I didn’t care who would make me send you roses?” and there “if you want to try again I want to continue this relationship. I want to try, I am sincere!“.
But what Leonardo he was a poor fellow he had already guessed from mo, here.
To be at least curious, however, was the sudden and drastic change of course of the cucuzzaro. That is, how is it that the time before they struck him sensationally and invited not even too covertly to raise his heels, and all of a sudden – after a pathetic and absolutely not credible pippone like the one the knight gave us today – instead of emphasizing how desperate he was to go begging for another chance to a woman who repels him, in order not to lose the close-ups on Channel 5 – they urged Gemmona to give him at least one dinner?
All that insistence, that “but don’t look at what he did to you, you have endured so much worse in the past“…
Ps. Ok the new suitors (which will last as long as a cat on the ring road but oh well …), but I want to know what happened to that geisha Beatrice that venerave courted theEmbodied with an emphasis that I miss groupies in the heyday. ‘Ndo is it? Anyone have any news?
Pps. The modesty of the Platano always manages to amaze me, oh. I still stop at that poor man Fabrizio that tells her “I think you are also a good woman, this is the idea you give me from the tv“And she who nods slyly and confirms”Yes I am“.
Video from the episode: Full bet – Tina: “Gemma, what a beautiful green …” – Gemma and the return of Leonardo – Diego: “You asked me what effect does Ida have on me?” – A new knight for Ida – A new lady for Armando – A knight for Nadia – Luca and the suitors – External by Alessandro and Pinuccia – Alessandro: “The butterflies? Let’s say…”