, Bandar Lampung – To prevent the spread of Dengue Fever (DHF) which is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Korem 043/Gatam and the Lampung Regional Health Detachment (Denkesyah) carried out fogging in all offices and official residences in the Makorem neighborhood, 13/1/22.
Kapenrem Captain Inf Sukandi said the fogging was carried out aimed at eradicating mosquitoes and Aedes aegypti (DHF) mosquito larvae in the Makorem environment.
“Therefore, it is necessary to spray, especially at this time in Bandar Lampung it is the rainy season, so that soldiers and civil servants are worried about contracting dengue,” he said.
He continued, fogging is actually less effective if it is not followed up with the 3M movement (draining bathtubs, hoarding used goods and closing water reservoirs) because prevention is more effective than treating or eradicating. Let’s re-launch the 3M Movement around us.
Reporter: Didik Prastyawan