Home » News » A new crash is reported in New York and concern grows about the number of accidents in the city | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

A new crash is reported in New York and concern grows about the number of accidents in the city | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

cleared along theHighway 87 south.fasten your seat belt.Alejandro: between challengesinherited by the new mayor ofnew york is securityvial in the big apple so muchpedestrians, cyclists anddrivers. attend aaccident in brooklyn that wellthe occupants to the hospital andto tell us about those challengesisabel peralta is livefrom that place.we know that this accident does notit’s the only one.figures we are going to tell yousoon but what youI can say is that we are herein brooklyn where is theredebris everywherethis accident that startedaround the only neighbor ofthe dawn from here to mecompletely ground and destroyed, apparently there is a truckwho was involved in thiscoalicón. I have a historyclosed and there are cops,patrols of the department ofbarracks 94 which is wherewith a witness occurredbecause two drivers wereholding a race ofcars. This information is not yetauthorities. what i saida police report is that twopeople were hospitalized.a man was transported inman in stable condition.officials investigate aseries of possible reasons whythe continuous increase ofvehicle accidents in the2021 and what is known is that2/3 of the victims ofI did not have a license whileescapes and accidents aredoubled compared tolast three years. in agreementvehicles in the city, 9183accidents until November2021.383 pedestrians, 748 injuries orfatal conditions, the mayorambitious when it comes toredesign unique roadsblasio. Eric Adams said thatincluded 300 miles forlanes protected in addition tothat ensures that the streets ofyear is worth the redundancy ace

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