January. manuel castro beimmigrant and that’s why jonathanhe interviewed him and let’s see whatHe said.reporter: for many years ofbeen interviewing and you saw thefight you have done in favor ofimmigrants but meI would like your ownthis position?the next commissioner of thisvery important office for theimmigrant community, I havemany years working incollaboration with this officeon issues of access tocity services andimmigrant. a lot of experiencein working with the government ofdirector the last 10 years ofa grassroots organization of theimmigrant community whereclose to the city. now i goto be able to reach morepeople. hopefully the whole communityimmigrant from various groupsthey are all in variouscommunities, in the city, thecounties and good, I believed inNew York, I believed as a young manundocumented. no parentsemigrants, I know very well whatI can use that experienceto get theinformation and servicesneeded in the community.reporter: what did you tell usare the greatest challenges of thecommunity?>> we are living in verydifficult due to pandemic, there aremuch uncertainty of whatcomes later especially withthis new wave of infection.we have to try to supportpeople return to thenormality and there are many peopleis afraid to hear this new wave