Not only through link above, another fraudulent mode that also occurs is when WhatsApp users get random messages from other users. The message in question is something like “Sorry, I don’t know who you are” or “May I know who this is?”
When a WhatsApp user replies to this message, the scammer opens a conversation with them, tricking the user into revealing various personal details. Starting from name, age, email, occupation, social media owned, and other information.
In turn, these details can be used by bad actors in a variety of ways. You need to be vigilant, because these two fraud modes are active on WhatsApp.
If you get a message containing link from unknown people or stray messages that seem to come from people who know us, don’t ignore them. Don’t try to click link existing and do not reply to messages that seem to be misconnected.
(Tin / Isk)
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