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The electricity price drops: – Take the chance to use this!

Has it been a long time since you took a good, long shower without a guilty conscience?

After a month of December with current records like pearls on a string, it is good to see that the arrow is starting to point the other way.

We began to see tendencies for electricity prices in southern Norway to fall as early as Wednesday last week – when prices landed at 328 øre on average.

The price of electricity fell during Christmas

But it was only this week that prices really started to fall. We started the space Christmas week with electricity prices of 225 øre including VAT on Monday.

All prices include VAT, but not grid rent or other fees.

Tuesday the price of electricity in southern norway fell further, and landed at 184 cents. Now we can report that tomorrow’s electricity prices bring even more gratifying figures.

WASHING MACHINE: With varied use of washing machine, you use an average of 0.83 kWt per wash, according to strøm.no.  On Thursday, that means 1.8 kroner per wash.  Photo: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock / NTB

WASHING MACHINE: With varied use of washing machine, you use an average of 0.83 kWt per wash, according to strøm.no. On Thursday, that means 1.8 kroner per wash. Photo: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock / NTB
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We have to go all the way back to 15 December to find an electricity price lower than tomorrow. At that time, electricity prices were as low as 163 øre including VAT.

Down to 174 øre

On Thursday, the electricity will cost 174 øre per kWt, including VAT. It shows numbers from the power exchange NordPool which determines the price of electricity one day in advance.

Far north in the country, the electricity price will be 68 øre including VAT.

Even though 174 øre is high above the government’s magical 70-øre limit, it is still pure “bargain” in relation to the worst day of the month:

December 21 lay the electricity price of an insane 494 øre (!). The most expensive electricity was between 17 and 18. At that time, the electricity cost 766 øre per kilowatt hour – including grid rent, it exceeded eight kroner.

On Thursday, it is thus only to take advantage of the opportunity to take a well-deserved long shower, or put on some extra machines with clothes.

The cheapest is the electricity between 02-03 night to Thursday. Then you “only” have to pay 148 øre per kWt including VAT.

Shower for 12 kroner

The most expensive is the power between 17 and 18 o’clock, when you have to cough up 188 øre per kWt. But if you want to calculate how much it costs you to use different appliances, you must remember to add grid rent and fees.

For customers at Elvia, which supplies electricity to around two million people in the Inland, Oslo and Viken, grid rent and fees amount to 44.8 øre.

POWER EXPENSES: Do you fear a shock bill as a result of expensive electricity? With simple steps in everyday life, you can help lower electricity costs somewhat. Video: Berit B. Njarga. Voice: Embla Hjort-Larsen. Cut Tobias Fjeldvang
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But a normal shower head uses 160 liters of water in 10 minutes, while an energy-saving shower uses about half: 80 liters in a 10-minute shower.

If you have a regular shower head, it gives a consumption of approximately 5.6 kWt for 10 minutes, while an energy-saving shower head gives a consumption of approximately 2.8 kWt.

This means that if you have a regular shower head and take a 10 minute long shower on Thursday, it will cost you about 12 kroner.

Washing machine

You can still save a lot by thinking about when you shower.

When you shower, drain the water heater for water, and then fill it with cold water that must be reheated in the hours after you have showered.

This takes some time, so these days, when it costs so much for the power some hours of the day, you do well to stay away from the power peaks.

With varied use of 40-, 60- and 90-degree washers, strøm.no calculates that a washing machine uses an average of 0.83 kWt per wash.

POWER CONSUMPTION: With these simple steps, you can “hack” your own power consumption. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen
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On Thursday, it will amount to a cost of one kroner and 81 øre, including grid rent and fees.

Five kroner for tumble drying

The dryer uses more power. Here, the same source states 2.4 kWt per round, or around five on Thursday.

If you can not bear to calculate yourself, you can use our ingenious power calculator, and we’ll calculate everything for you.

Just plot the current electricity price as close as you get.

Keep in mind that the electricity prices stated in this case include VAT, so you do not have to make a profit on anything other than grid rent.

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