apple has had an increase of395% compared tofirst week of December.hope: the measures ofsecurity are reinforced in newyork. today anew vaccination mandate.those over 12 years old shouldhave a dose against himcovid19.denver sector employeesshow that they received lessa dose of lava one.otherwise they cannot besubmit to work.the new mandateaffects any business thatemploys more than one person.we passed with filippo ferreti,who came out to investigate howaffects the way of respectbudding.filippo: I have in mycell phone a copy of my cardvaccination.if I want him with my nephewsunder 12 years old, I will have topresent for them toovaccination.children between five and 11 years oldyou will have to present proof.have received at least onedose of one pfizer>> from the age of 5 you have tovaccinate them. the whole familyShe is vaccinated, thank God.the virus is very fiery.filippo: anyone from11 years or so to show aproof of vaccinationcomplete to enter sitespublics under the roof of the greatApple.>> a family is is difficult to comply with thisnew mandate.there are a lot of people who are pacific.>> the mandate requires thatall employees in theIt also has to be a vaccine.>> that’s good.filippo: employees of theprivate sector that will have tohave received at least onedose of the vaccineemployers must havethe vaccination status of theemployees. on the contrary,can face fines ofup to $ 1000. they have 45 yearsto show that you have receivedthe second.>> we all have to bevaccinated.Philip: the measure will go into