íctor: aj styles watching thestatue of Liberty.worthless, today was not one ofthose were going to visit her. come onwith jeús Ópez and the reportfull of the conditions of theweather.we will have rain for, but áswhen to improve the panorama yesnojeús: the panorama is not seenso favorable when we talk aboutthe week, since we have lowpressure that will and willbring a rushwintry due to rain.there is a little wintry weather.in the metro zone we will seesome snowflakes, that’s itfiltering dry air. whenpass, the precipitacón, be youson snow, can not fall to thesurface. temperatures inthirty and so let’s gocontinue. We continue withisolated rain to the south.winter mix indoorsand there we will continue duringthe night. for monday we haverain in the metro area. thatwinter mix more than everythingIt was in liquid precipitation.we continue with the rain theTuesday at 2:45 a.m.early morning. we have a breakduring Tuesday and byreturn to rain at 7:45 a.m.the night. we want more rainstrong in the early morning ofWednesday, it can bring us almosthalf an inch of accumulation.for the judge in the morningcome back to again.for friday eve of the yearagain we will have a break inThe rain. we can experimentrainfall and rain.below 32 ° canhave freezing rain precautionon the roads because thesituation gets dangerous withthin ice layer.the probability ofprecipitacin is maintainedrest of the week. a goosefor Tuesday afternoon,then at night and in theextended prognosis we can