DIY NEWS – There are 2 reading prayer analysis Yasin is short in tahlilan prayer ghosts complete Arab and latin and its meaning.
As for tahlilan is a product of the culture and traditions of the Indonesian people in the context of praying for the corpse, because it is called analysis called prayer ghosts.
Prayer analysis usually for tahlilan 1-7 day warning, 15 days, 40 days, 100 days, up to 1000 days of death.
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In the procedure tahlilan, usually begin reading the letters of Al Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas before chanting reading prayer analysis.
After that, reading prayer tahlilan followed by letters in the Quran, such as Al Baqarah verses 1-5, 163, 285, and 286, verses of the chair, the complete letter of Yasin then the letter of Hud verse 73, to the letter of Al Ahzab verse 33.
Then, read istighfar, analysis, and prayer beads. Only then, ending by reading prayer analysis.
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