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The Color of Planets in the Solar System is Different, Find Out The Cause Here!

The colors of the planets in the solar system are different. There are many factors that cause differences in the color of the planets in the solar system.

As you know, we know 8 types of planets in the solar system, including Earth. The planets continue to move around the sun.

Knowing the Colors of the Planets in the Solar System

Have you seen pictures of planets on the internet or astronomy books? If you pay attention, these planets have different characteristics. One of the distinctive is the difference in color on each planet.

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An example is the planet Earth that we currently live in. If you look for pictures of planet Earth, it will be seen that the blue color is very dominant.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for an image of the planet Venus, then the brownish yellow color will dominate. Likewise with other planets. Is the color made by scientists?

Of course not, each planet does have a different color as you often see in pictures. Of course the color appears for several reasons.

In simple terms, the color of the planets in the solar system depends on their composition. Planet terestrial which consists mostly of silicate rocks and minerals will tend to have a gray color.

In addition, the presence of the atmosphere also greatly determines the color that the planet will emit.


Mercury is the first planet that is very close to the sun. This close distance made it difficult for scientists at first to get an image of the planet Mercury.

Its proximity to the sun and far from Earth makes it impossible to take pictures using instruments on Earth. The only way to do this is to fly a spaceship.

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Through the image, it is seen that the surface of this planet is similar to the moon with a distinctive gray color. Mercury’s surface is also in the form of craters.


The planet Venus is a terrestrial planet that has a dense atmosphere containing carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen. The surface of Venus is very rocky and rough because there is no vegetation or natural water.

Venus is also known as the morning star because it often looks like a star from Earth at dawn or sunrise.

This planet has the color of the planets in the solar system in the form of yellowish orange. The orange color that radiates is due to the absorption of blue light by Venus’s thick atmosphere.


This next planet is the only one that can accommodate life. Through decades of aerial and space photography, you must be very familiar with the colors of the planet Earth.

When studying, there is often a picture of the Earth in your book with a round shape and mostly blue.

The blue color comes from the light scattering effect of the ocean and atmosphere. The light is scattered because of its short spectrum.

Water absorbs light from the red spectrum, giving it a blue color from space.


The red color that radiates from this planet has earned it the nickname the red planet. The color of the planets in the solar system is the result of the thin atmosphere of Mars.

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Mars has several things in common with Earth, including its weather cycle. Mars’ dominant color is actually reddish-brown because of the iron oxide content on its surface and thin atmosphere.


The largest planet in the solar system has a distinctive appearance with stripes in the form of white bands and a brownish orange color.

Jupiter is a gas giant surrounded by vortex clouds of hydrogen and helium. The orange-brown color in Jupiter’s atmosphere is the result of compounds that change color when exposed to sunlight.


Planet Saturn it has a dark red color and is covered with ammonia clouds with its atmospheric ocean.

Sun exposure to these clouds will make them appear white. The combination of dark red and white will produce pale gold from the outside.


This planet is dominated by ice so it is often referred to as the giant ice planet. The methane content of Uranus gives it a green-blue or cyan color.


Substances contained in the atmosphere planet Neptune include hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and large ices such as ammonia and methane.

The presence of methane is one of the causes of the blue appearance of the planet.

You need to know that the colors of the planets in the solar system that are visible in the image are not exactly the same because of the editing process and others. However, in general the colors presented are very accurate. (R10 / HR-Online / Editor-Ndu)

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