Shortly before starting it was already at number 1 and such has been the success in the networks that the hashtag #EurovisionJuniorRTVE still in the first position of the most commented in Spain at the time of publication of this article, 3 hours after completion of the festival. In addition, in other countries it has also crept into the top positions.
We have not only had the hashtag in the first trend #EurovisionJuniorRTVE, but we have also seen distributed by the first positions of the Trending Topics from Twitter in Spain other comments on #EurovisiónJunior2021, #JESC2021, Levi the countries like Armenia (winner), Portugal, France, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Netherlands The Malta.
The Twitter audience has accompanied us this afternoon, will the television audience also? Tomorrow we will know the number of viewers and the percentage of screen share that the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021 has followed in La 1 de TVE.