The phenomenon is particularly popular in our northern towns. Juice, a hip word for “gossip”, is what Yvonne Coldeweijer made big. Her Instagram page lifeofyvonne has more than 260,000 followers and on her YouTube channel she reaches with The Popcorn Show nearly 150,000 subscribers. In her videos, she updates her viewers almost daily about the latest news from the celebrity world. A few years ago, for example, she caused a furore when she announced with which plane Borsato would land at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, after which it was attacked by Papparazi.
The latest story about Borsato and his alleged abuse arose at Jan Roos in Dennis Schouten who have been working on the YouTube channel since last year gossip to maintain. The duo is not unknown in the Netherlands. For many years, Schouten himself was a reporter and interviewer for Powned, a public broadcaster known for its polemical and rather attacking style. Roos is a former politician and a former journalist for the news website GeenStijl. He also carries the image of being a provocateur with him.