our prognosis.Jonathan: Thank you very much, jeús.a funeral home our area isaccused of not embalmingproperly the bodies ofthe deceased, who supposedlythey are veiled almost rotten.Berenice garner tells us thatsays the law and what you have to havekeep in mind when contrasting theseservices.berenice: this is the funeral homemore traditional in the community.has been an emblem forecades, but now he facescorrectly.that’s why we went out to find outHow to choose a funeral home,before entrusting the remains ofyour loved ones.relates the conditions inwho gave them the body ofhis grandmother flora.>> it looked like a persondifferent.her skin was melted, thenose, mouth.berenice: the images arestrong, but they were takenby the family during thefuneral. in some it is seen thatthat is Lex walking why notrich why explora endedso changedbecause she was an old lady.berenice: her lawyer assuresthat this case is not the firstlawsuit against the funeral homeand that they investigate newallegations.ensures that they paid forembalm the body, butsuspect they did not.although some funeral homepublicly, it is not law in themost states of the pís,including new york.the only thing they demand is that thebody is buried or signedin a short period of time.berenice: this is the funeral homeortiz?We called the funeral home, butclosing, uploading did not returnthe call.be careful because this is what you shouldknow before choosing one.by law you have the right tosay by phone, to pay alonefor the services that youwants. they should give you a listdetailed prices,including that of the tunas.have the right to use acontainer in casego to burn.to burn.the family is flora wantsjustice and that no one goes throughthe same, that’s why they recommendask questions.>> the embalming process ofthe bodies, how long, yeahpeople are licensed.berenice: if it is always payfor funeral, make surefederally endorsed.and that the contract allowschange funeral home, in casethat you change your mind