BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID – It’s been a few days swordsman Ayu Ting Ting | leave Indonesia. with his son, Bilqis Khumaira Razak vacation to the United States.
Follow along Ayu Ting Ting | and Bilqis Khumaira Razak is Assyifa Nuraini or who is called Shifa.
A few days in America, apparently child Ayu Ting Ting | and Enji Baskoro it was amazed.
In fact, Bilqis admitted that he wanted to settle in Los Angeles or LA.
Is known, Ayu Ting Ting | and the entourage was in Los Angeles.
As it turned out, Bilqis seemed happy to be in LA.
The seven-year-old girl was enthusiastic about shopping for sweets and snacks at a shopping center.
“Don’t you like it here?” tanya Ayu Ting Ting | on InstaStory, Sunday 5 December 2021.
“So comfortable, oh my god,” Bilqis replied.
Suddenly the answer made Ayu laugh.