In the electricity bill there is not only the supply but also the fee. Failure to pay can lead to a very severe penalty. Here’s what it is.
The Rai license fee has become, since 2016, a practically compulsory tax. This was included in the electricity bill. Which leads to most people having to pay for it automatically. The change was due to the fact that many citizens did not pay the fee. Now, however, we find ourselves having 9 euro plus on each bill for ten months.
The canon is claimed the moment a person has one television and is the owner of a electric utility. In this regard, the Revenue Agency maintains: “Anyone who owns a television set is required to pay the fee. A television set means a set capable of receive, decode e view the digital terrestrial or satellite signal, directly or through an external decoder or tuner “.
But there are ways to not pay the fee. Anyone who does not have the conditions can carry out a self-certification. The non-payment of the fee must then be reported by the electricity operator to the national grid. For those, on the other hand, who declare the false, the sanction can really be salad.
Bills, how much is the fine if the fee is not paid?
We know that many still do not pay the fee. Everything happens through self-certification which subtracts the figure from the bulletin. But if this does not prove to be true then the checks are triggered. Investigations can result in a fine of as little as 200 euros to a maximum of 600. In addition to the fine, the declaration of forgery can also lead to 2 years in prison. Why is it going to violate the law 445.
You still have to pay if you have one television ma not an electric utility contract. Here you have to pay with the model F24. The payment must be autonomous. Here, too, a fine can be triggered in the absence of payment. Attention also to those who live in those Municipalities that are not connected to the national electricity grid. For example, Capri, Favignana, Lipari etc. Again, payment must be manual because the amount will not appear on the bill.
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While, the exemption from the fee is for subjects over 75 years old with a maximum annual income 6713 euro. For anyone who exceeds the figure, the exemption is triggered by the presence of permanent domestic workers. Not to be included among the television sets too tablet e Pc.