The “enemy territory” made shortly after Return to Castle Wolfenstein didn’t reach the full anno, but a fan thought that if the developers didn’t put it together, he would do it for them.
A Return to Castle Wolfenstein It was one of the biggest games of 2001 on PC. However, Gray Matter Interactive was overseen by id Software, then licensed to Wolfenstein (but they were only responsible producers on BJ Blazkowicz’s adventure on id Tech 3, the Quake III engine), and since it was such a success, it’s no surprise that in 2003 there was a console port called Play Resurrection for PlayStation 2 and Tides of War for Xbox, but there were some differences…
But what has Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory got to do with this? Well, Splash Damage was originally developed as an add-on and would not only have multiplayer, it would have had a single-player story mode as well. But “despite the strong efforts of talented developers, the single-player part of the game didn’t go as expected,” this was anno’s explanation for id Software and Activision for the deletion, which eventually resulted in the multit being released for free and the story mode never officially finished. .
William Faure did not leave this idle. He decided to grab the multiplayer levels of Enemy Territory and then tie them together to round a story around them. THE mod he also carved a video and heard the fast-paced metal version of Für Elise as background music. Anyone who experiences this with a friend can do so soon, as Faure is already testing the co-op version, which will be released on November 30th. The mod requires Return to Castle Wolfenstein to be installed on your PC and an overhaul mod (iortcw, RealRTCW, RTCW4A, RTCW-Touch, vitaRTCW, or RTCWQuest). If you have these, in addition to ModDB, Steam You can also get the story mode from a workshop.
It is true that nearly two decades have passed since 2003, but what is delayed does not depend.
Source: PCGamer