Tier Mobility, known for its turquoise-blue e-scooters, is taking over the Leipzig bike rental company Nextbike. The sellers are the majority owner Co-Investor Partners and other shareholders.
The company bosses did not initially comment on the costs of the takeover. The sale takes place in the course of a cash transaction.
According to JUVE information, Tier has prevailed over other interested parties in an organized sales process. The future prospects that Tier Nextbike offers were also decisive for the award, from which Europe’s largest micromobility provider emerges. Tier states that it initially wants to keep the Nextbike brand.
Nextbike has been operating rental bike systems in around 300 cities and 28 countries since 2004 – mostly on behalf of public transport companies and municipalities. Tier not only wants to grow through the takeover of Nextbike, but also to benefit from the good contacts in the city administrations. E-scooters still do not have a good reputation in many places because they often block sidewalks and are involved in numerous accidents. The regulation of the industry is being discussed in the municipalities.