when will the rain come, fromlet’s go with erika immediatelypine and the extended prognosisof time.erika: and we keep talkingabout the conditions of thetime, today we will have moreclouds sitas unlike whatwe had yesterday but thetemperatures will be maintained forabove the normal for theseason, various places go toexceed 60.right now in gers and city 61,while in elizabeth thatreporta 60, queen 60.leaving home is for somethingwindy, so I pay attention tothat, we notice about 2:00thelate temperatures canreach 62, at four o’clocklate they start to descend with60 one the same at 6:00the afternoon and tonight bewarm, important to notethat the winds todaythey will be strong, blowingrush hour at anymuch stronger moment, thepossible to have rain todaythey are honestly very low,maybe during the hours of thenight but tomorrow is verypronounced, we could haveeven floods on theregón, so if you haveto go out tomorrow, umbrella atmano.let’s activate your rare future,where we notice all the cloudswho are at home on the day oftoday, 11:00 at nightlight but it’s tomorrow whenthe entire metropolitan area iscompletely cover with rainwhich can be intense,especially duringafter 3:00 a.m.late.we will have 59, while innewark maximum temperaturesthey will reach 63, and laterI will present your prognosis