we have at home. today does not seemthat we have to have theheating. but it can changefast. let’s see whatmoment will return the fio.liliana: the fío a little more thanautumn comes to the end ofweek. Saturday and Sunday. butthe next few days we are going tokeep up the good weather.temperatures at 60 and three. andthat is, the winds have notfelt in our area duringtoday and the humidity lowfifty%. much of the area withdegrees. some areas of theinterior of new jersey in 50.we are in good weather untiltomorrow afternoon. the only prothe rainy day is minimalearly morning. we go wayand dry conditions soless until Friday in thelate. the only warning thatwe have is at 18.0 zero.we see that enough cloudinessarriving in Pennsylvania. that weit will affect us for theThursday. but tomorrow a verycute. already around 10:00we will be with 60 degrees oftemperature. normal inaverage for this date ofyear is 57. so we enjoydry conditions andset our area. and withoutHowever, we are preparingfor the weekend, wherewe have the descent oftemperature. and many peoplewho suffer from arthritis are givennote that the jointsthey get heavier and hurtwings. this during yarn threadshow is the change going to happenend temperaturesdo is add omega three toyour diet. also drink isgreen because it helps withinflammation. and ingest thingslike still or gone. this helpsto deflate the body. we go