Municipality takes action because of rising corona figures
With 165 reported corona infections in the past seven days, the virus seems to be going around Urk again. The municipality therefore sent a letter to the church councils last week with the call to ‘continuously look at possibilities to prevent infections and call on everyone to do so’ in church circles.
In addition, discussions are underway with the catering industry. A spokesman for the municipality says that tonight’s press conference (Tuesday) is awaited in consideration of taking additional measures. GPs have also expressed concern about the rapidly rising corona figures. General practitioner Kees de Visser: ,,The figures are lagging behind and are an underestimation of the situation. We notice in general practices that many people report after a positive self-test. These figures do not end up at the RIVM. The number of reports from hospitals also lags behind reality and therefore underestimate reality.” What worries the general practitioners most is the speed at which the virus is spreading again in Urk. “Two weeks ago, for example, we hardly saw patients with corona. The fear is that this increase will jeopardize the planable care in the hospitals surrounding us.” The general practitioners approach is under no circumstances compulsory vaccination, although GP De Visser does make the comment that vaccination is an important measure to curb the virus. In the first place, the doctors want to start the conversation. “We fully understand people who, deliberately, do not want to be vaccinated, but at least adhere to measures that ensure that the chance of getting sick is as small as possible.”
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