I share with you.we continue with wings.hope: we will be pending.let’s go for the raceMayor in the Big Apple. thedeócrata eric adams lidera con76% and in Republican has the28%.we spent with mariela salgado.mariela: what’s up?there have been moments ofwould algara to know what allthey have said, it is believed that ericadams is projected as a winnerof the mayor’s office. is a manwho stayed true to hisBell.now he became thesecond African American man inlead the city againyork, did it with the help ofHispanics, without the voteLatino could have done it.the question is; What coulddo for our people?What will Eric Adams do for theHispanic?>> will have a presence thatinvested through theagencies and resources thatwe deserve.mariela: in the case of yourcounty, what interests youmr adams do?>> affordable housing,schools, we have a lot of talentin our communities.mariela: what was it short onthis mayor?>> this mayor is the besthas given space tolatinos.we must understand that 29% ofwe have not so farthey have been given the space thatwe deserve.we need representation.mariela: a hispanic cabinetis what they want.adams wants to create a special ufor dangerous neighborhoods.remember that if you want to knowmore about proposals of whathe thinks to do for theLatinos, you can scan thecode displayed on screen