Home » News » SAVE THE DATE | November 20 & 27 Graduation workshops in Dortmund and Cologne

SAVE THE DATE | November 20 & 27 Graduation workshops in Dortmund and Cologne

For 2 ½ years iResilience has been active in the three pilot quarters in Cologne and Dortmund – a lot has happened and we have achieved a lot! Now the work in the quarters is coming to an end, which prompts the project to invite to a joint workshop for the last time – and this time again in presence!

Although the digital meetings due to the pandemic met with a good response, the project is now looking forward to finally having an on-site exchange. To do this, invites Dortmund on Saturday, November 20th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to a joint final workshop for both Dortmund project quarters. in the Forum of the Anne Frank Comprehensive School A review of the previous neighborhood work of the project with the numerous actors on site will be thrown, results will be illuminated and reflected on. On the other hand, there are still some open strands of action that are relevant for the departure into the future of two climate-resistant neighborhoods as a continuation of local activities. Something similar will be important in Cologne a week later. At the Sa., 27.11. from 10-13 o’clock im Civic Center Deutz Let’s look back with you on the last three years of iResilience. We have achieved a lot that we can be proud of. Now we want to consider together how the ideas can continue to exist in the quarter.


Final workshop “Climate Fit for the Future” at the end of the neighborhood work in the port and Jungferntal

Saturday, November 20th, 2021, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Forum of the Anne Frank Comprehensive School, Burgholzstr. 120, 44145 Dortmund


Final workshop – Klima-Fittes düx – We tackle it together

Saturday, November 27th, 2021, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Civic Center Deutz, Tempelstrasse 41-43, 50679 Cologne

Make a note of the dates – a program will soon be available here on the homepage and will be sent to all interested parties who have already registered as soon as possible.

The event will be carried out in accordance with the currently valid version of the Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, currently the “3-G rule” applies. Sign up please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] – the number of participants is limited – registered people will be given priority on the day of the event.

We look forward to finally seeing you again and to exciting final workshops!

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