The Minister of Communication and Information himself said that the radio frequency spectrum (SFR) is the backbone of digital transformation.
Johnny also said that his ministry carried out structuring and monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum, as well as outreach to the public so that its utilization took place properly and optimally.
“The Communication and Information Technology builds public awareness about the frequency spectrum resources that are invisible but very useful and useful as the backbone of today’s community activities in the era of digital transformation,” said Johnny.
Therefore, the radio frequency spectrum must be processed and regulated properly.
Monitoring carried out against the use of illegal frequencies on a regular basis aims to prevent harmful interference from occurring.
“Frequency interference is everywhere, a lot. If you want to record everything is at the spectrum level, including the spectrum for aviation security,” said Johnny.
He explained that if there is interference between radios and others, the interference can be dangerous, one of which is if it interferes with the frequency used for flight security.
This is what makes it do monitoring radio in the airport area, or related to aviation needs, also for the benefit of the people.
“The frequency spectrum for the needs of fishermen must also be specially prepared so that their radio can be used properly,” said Johnny.
(Dio / Isk)
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