For five days a dog was stuck in a narrow crevice in a national park in the US state of New York – now it has been rescued unharmed. The twelve-year-old animal named Liza survived the ordeal in Minnewaska State Park Preserve without food and water, the state parks said on Wednesday (local time).
On October 7th, a woman walked with her dog, and he fell into the gap. You could hear his barking. Park employees tried to contact the site in the following days.
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On Tuesday, helpers from the Ulster County Animal Welfare Association and a cave rescue team managed to save the dog from the narrow crevice.
Two rescuers observed the dog with a camera, then managed to get him with a rod with a noose. It had been raised enough that it could be put in a backpack and then brought to the surface safely. The dog is hungry and thirsty, but in good health. Later it was brought to its owner.
During the observation with the camera it was seen how the dog licked the damp walls of the crevice and thus probably supplied itself with liquid. According to the administration, leash is actually required in the park. (dpa)