very similar. we have morepay attention, we will see that modelto future.ana: meanwhile hundredspassenger airlinesouth west contiúan a lawait after the big onenumber of cancellations onlast weekend.miguel: laura cruces esánow live in thedallas airport whereLaura: very good days,miguel angel, ana maía. thesituation is similar to that offrustration. I want you to seebecause all these peoplethat they are detás of í, allthese people have flightscanceled. one for theFlorida, another Los Angeles andmany do not know what is going topass on your flights. thosethat they canceled their flightsyesterday and they put it on fortoday, I also knowthey canceled again. almost2000 flights were canceledthis weekend, the reasonIt is for reasons of trafficair and bad conditions of theweather. the administration offederal aviacón said noFriday. also thepilots association clarifiedthat has nothing to do with thevaccines. had canceleduntil a few minutes agoreview 360 level flightsnational, only here there are 14cancellations. the frustrationreigns among the passengers.>> already when I did this alreadythen they are not leaving meapproach.laura: they were informed of thecancelation. when did i talk toshe had two and a half hourswaiting to know what was going onto pass with your flight. whatcan do if your flight fromsouthwest or have a flightplanned. recommend thatenter your website tocheck the status of yourflight and explore cars arethe options available.the airport is askingthat arrives with two hours ofanticipate because I hurt thatsee, the rows look liketo pass the control ofsecurity.for the next few days and whatsaid our meteorologist,expect you in bad weather,severe weather and this couldI reviewed yourI fly or what to do othersalternatives.