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Generali launches a new life insurance contract for CGP

Generali Patrimoine, the insurer’s entity dedicated to private management, announced Thursday, October 7 the launch of a new contract designed specifically for high-end clientele of CGP. Accessible from one million euros, “Himalia Patrimoine” (1) will also be available as a capitalization contract. As often, the contract includes two mutually compatible management modes: free management and personalized management. Note that the initial payment may be reduced to 500,000 euros if it is accompanied by the establishment of scheduled payments within the framework of free management.

More than 1,000 units of account

On the free management side, the subscriber will have access to more than 1,000 investment vehicles representative of the different asset classes (equities in the form of UCIs or live securities, ETFs, bonds, real estate, etc. private equity…), Geographic areas and business sectors, as well as the Generali Vie “General Assets” fund in euros.

“Unit-linked support is selected by the Generali Vie investment department, which regularly updates it in order to offer the financial support that best meets customer needs”, specifies Generali in a press release.

Personalized management, or management under mandate, will allow the policyholder to benefit from the management provided by one or more management companies appointed by Generali Vie according to his investor profile, his objectives and his risk appetite. In total, 21 personalized “management orientations” managed by the management companies Amplegest, Auris Gestion, Generali Wealth Solutions, Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) SA and Sanso Investment Solutions are offered within the contract. Each personalized management orientation is accessible from 300,000 euros.

Services and guarantees

Beyond the financial management of his contract, the subscriber will benefit from tailor-made support and reporting.

To meet a need for liquidity, the insured will have the possibility of requesting an advance, within the limit of 60% of the value reached of his contract and in return for the payment of interest, thus allowing him to have a part savings reached on his contract without any of its operating conditions being changed.

Finally, as part of the Himalia Patrimoine life insurance contract, various contingency guarantees are also offered as an option in the event of the insured’s death: the Floor guarantee, the Universal Life guarantee and the Whole Life guarantee.

(1) Himalia Patrimoine is an individual life insurance contract denominated in euros and / or units of account, insured by Generali Vie, a company governed by the Insurance Code.

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