hope: the department ofNew York health makes acall to the Latino communitynot to use pots and platesmud from ourcountries due to the high content oflead.Berenice Garner tells us thatdo if you have used them.berenice: we are on the street116 de manhattan, 11 or muyknown for being Mexican.we came to ask you ifthey have clay pots and whatknow about its contentlead.in the store of a concepcónwe find everything.>> to the coffee makers for water,to drink beer, toCook.berenice: but the visit of thehealth department andthey said they have to withdrawthese clay products.>> alarmed and sad becauseIt was a very big loss.>> we had 15 associated caseswith the use of those pots ofbarro.berenice: the department ofhealth concluded that severalhigh levels of lead inblood after using those pots anddirty dishesthey used to cook beansand make me fall, also toheat the milk of the baby.berenice: that people haveto understand what to cook herenot good.>> what happens is that leadis transferred from the hole to themeal.if a child is exposed tolead, causes problemsbehavior problemslearning. problems toowith speech and in adults causesblood pressure problemshigh, also problem ifreproduced ios. may causespontaneous abortion, tooit can harm the fetus.berenice: what do you say kind ofartisan products made tohand painted and shinyto stock.If you have used them, this is therecommendation.>> do a crash test onthe, it’s the only wayconfirm.Berenice: Can’t believe ofconcepcón that waslosing with this to $ 3000for the moment, those productsshould only be usedas decoration. to know wings