“Ships land migrants in Italy. Is it a problem to let them go out on the high seas and sink? ”Ondráček asked the speaker in the evening debate. And he specified that he would dive without people. “If we prevent traffic, it will slow down the migration wave,” he says.
According to Okamura, states should have the right to use weapons to defend the borders. “If there is no other option and someone illegally infiltrates the Czech Republic illegally, every country has the right to use a firearm to protect citizens,” he said.
“And as long as we are in the European Union, migrants will still come here,” he added.
In the debate, Okamura and Ondráček opposed representatives of the government parties ANO and ČSSD. “European policy will be as set by European states,” Jan Hamáček, the head of the Social Democrats, responded to Okamura.
Vondráček: I’m not afraid of migration
The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and candidate for the YES movement, Radek Vondráček, said in the debate, among other things, that he is not afraid of migration. “The Czech Republic is not a destination country, but we must be vigilant,” he said.
“I am not afraid of migration in principle, we are ready. The year 2015 will not be repeated, Europe has learned its lesson. And the Czech police can do it, “Hamáček agreed.
The discussion was also addressed by the Afghans, who were transported to the Czech Republic after the Taliban took control of the country. “We should not have accepted any migrants,” Okamura said.
“If we leave them there, they will kill them. They probably won’t stay here, they don’t have the community, “Vondráček responded.