fromClaudia Kabel
More than 60 artist studios in the region open their doors. The South Hesse cultural summer is being extended. Numerous events until November.
Why does someone stack petrol cans in towers that are meter high? How do you carve in concrete? And how is a face created from many colored dots? Answers to these questions can be found next weekend, 18./19. September, find. Then more than 60 studios, gardens and workshops in Darmstadt and in the surrounding districts of Bergstrasse, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Groß-Gerau, Offenbach and Odenwaldkreis will open their doors.
The artists show painting, sculpture, photography, ceramic, video and upcycling art as well as installations, glass objects and jewelry. In addition, various activities take place at the individual locations: painting, web and ceramics courses, you can listen to live music and poems or simply chat with the creative hosts.
Cultural summer
Besides the days of the open studios on the weekend, 18./19. September, there are more events.
The exhibition “Again everything is good” by Heinz W. Lotz opens the regional gallery Südhessen in the RP Darmstadt on September 16 at 6 pm.
Exhibition “The Sound of Colors” of the art space bakery in Darmstadt-Eberstadt invites you on the weekend, 18./19. September, for performances.
With magic , Aerial artistry and music comedy, the roller coaster will start its live comeback in the Burg-Lichtspiele on Saturday, September 18, at 8 p.m. in Ginsheim-Gustavsburg.Children’s Music Festival “Dabba Dabba Du” will take place on Sunday, September 19, from 2.30 p.m. in the beer garden of the old district court in Groß-Gerau. cka
Program: www.kultursommer-suedhessen.de
The Darmstadt steel sculptor Georg-Friedrich Wolf, for example, shows his new sculptures in the Wolf factory in Hall 109. For decades he has been working with welding torches, hydraulic presses or laser cutting. On Sunday it offers a guided tour every hour on the hour through the exhibition Iron Age with a lecture on the topic “The heirs of Prometheus”. In Rüsselsheim-Königstädten the Atelier Quartet invites Doro Hofmann to discover feathered animals and birds, smiling stones and dream princes in a romantic garden.
The days of the open studios take place as part of the South Hesse cultural summer (KUSS). KUSS is an association of districts in southern Hesse and the city of Darmstadt to promote cultural events in the region. Normally this would end in September, but has now been extended to November 14th. As a result, 30 additional events on visual arts, music, theater and cabaret will take place in the region.
Due to the limited space in the exhibition rooms, registration is recommended.