The animation series ‘Mush-Mush & de Zwammetjes’ has been nominated in the category ‘Animation’. The series is about the mushroom Mush-Mush who has fun adventures in the forest with his friends Lilit and Chep. The animation series is a co-production with Ketnet, made by Thuristar, a Belgian animation studio. The series is broadcast in more than 150 countries.
The Ketnet series ‘Signs of life’ has also been nominated for an International Emmy Kids Award in the Factual & Entertainment category. ‘Signs of Life’ tells the stories of children with a special scar. They are marked for life by something from the past. The series features sixteen children, each with their own story. On the basis of their scar they tell how this ‘sign of life’ marks and colors their lives. ‘Signs of life’ is a program by De Mensen for Ketnet. They already won an International Emmy Kids Award in 2019 for the Ketnet program ‘Nachtraven’.