Home » Health » To get the hiccups to go away quickly, these 10 simple methods may be enough

To get the hiccups to go away quickly, these 10 simple methods may be enough

It happens a little to everyone and from the first days of life, to eat or drink quickly, swallowing too much air, having one of the most frequent and annoying ailments such as hiccups. This is because the diaphragm makes an involuntary contraction from eating too quickly and inevitably swallowing a lot of air.

But do not worry because even just one of these 10 methods could be enough to quickly pass the annoying hiccup.

What can this frequent annoyance cause?

As mentioned above, hiccups occur when you eat too quickly. It can last a few seconds or even a long time and in this case it will be good to understand the cause.

In addition to swallowing food or liquids too quickly, another major cause is incorrect chewing. It will therefore be important to re-educate ourselves, not by running fast meals but by swallowing calmly without haste and above all by chewing well with every bite.

Do not forget that a correct chewing facilitates digestion, speeding it up, avoiding the risk of indigestible food because it is mostly ingested and not chewed. In addition, having a meal in due time not only helps lose weight, but also to enjoy a moment of relaxation and rediscover flavors while enjoying food with all the senses.

To get the hiccups to go away quickly, these 10 simple methods may be enough

After understanding the main causes of hiccups, excluding serious health problems, you need to try to get it over. There are many remedies adopted over the years and undoubtedly some can be effective immediately, while for others it will be necessary to make more attempts.

One of the best known remedies is that of hold breath for a few seconds. To do this, we will need to inhale deeply and hold the air for a few seconds and in this period of time, we will be able to relax the diaphragm.

In addition to this you can hold your breath and swallow saliva just at the moment when you feel the imminent sensation of hiccups.

With a glass of water you can try to ingest it small sips quickly. One of the grandmother’s remedies also known by all is to chew and ingest the breadcrumbs or one lemon slice.

Also encourage a sneeze it can stop hiccups immediately. Never tried to do take a scare who has hiccups? It will pass in the blink of an eye. The same happens if we do the tickles and whoever has hiccups will have to try hard not to laugh.

Who does not suffer from diabetes, can try to quickly swallow a spoon of sugar. Other than that you can try a spoon of vinegar or the lemon juice.


A healthy, do-it-yourself habit that has many positive sides for our health

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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