The therapeutic garden of the Brugmann hospital was created on the initiative of Marie-Dominique Gazagnes, a doctor devoted to her patients. Fresh out of the ground, in perpetual metamorphosis, this garden will evolve according to the needs of patients, their families and the nursing staff who accompany them. After life episodes that require neuro-rehabilitation, patients can train themselves to walk the cobblestones of Brussels, to cross curbs and all kinds of changing surfaces – all these gestures which are part of our daily life but which after a stay in the hospital can turn into insurmountable difficulties. In the company of its initiator, come and discover this green haven where, between collective vegetable garden and flowering trees, patients find landmarks at their own pace to return home in all serenity.
Starting point: Reception of building N, CHU Brugmann, Site Victor Horta
Address : Place Arthur Van Gehuchten, 4, 1020 Bruxelles